Rail improvement for a sustainable future

Renovation work has been carried out at the freight station in Knesebeck since summer. BUTTING's commitment to use the facility and its new contract with the infrastructure operator make this building project possible. Following alterations on the main line for passenger traffic, the tracks in the freight station are to be replaced. Work will also include a set of points and lighting. Use of the tracks is guaranteed for the future, as well as during construction work.

Jürgen Meinecke, Head of Central logistics, is delighted with the contract: "Renewing the tracks and making additional improvements will guarantee and future proof rail transport for us as a company. This is a sustainable way of transporting freight and it will benefit not only our customers but our environment as well."
The Knesebeck site has had its own railway siding since 1975. This enables the business to load pipes, spools and vessels after production straight onto the freight cars ready for transportation to the destination station or port.

Rail transport is the most environmentally friendly way of moving freight. It reduces carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions significantly compared to road transport. Since BUTTING has placed environmental protection on an equal footing with other company objectives, it wants to transport as much as possible by rail. Jürgen Meinecke reinforces the message: "Everyone can make an important contribution to environmental protection and sustainability in their choice of mode of transport."
The train is also one of the safest and most reliable forms of transport, as there are hardly any accidents or breakdowns compared to other means of transport. The general accident risk also drops when there are fewer lorries on the road. 

BUTTING – Progress by Tradition