Driving through the Uckermark in BUTTING-design!

The latest advertising campaign of BUTTING Anlagenbau in Schwedt now also adorns a UVG (Uckermärkische Verkehrsgesellschaft) bus! At the photo session on the company premises, everyone was very excited. Now the bus rolls across the Barnim, through the Uckermark, to Stettin.

And BUTTING wants to send a very clear message with this advertisement. Stefanie Wille, Sales Administration Sales and Marketing at BUTTING in Schwedt, continues:  “We want to remain a top employer in the region and actively recruit new trainees and employees. In our perfectly equipped training workshop, we educate our trainees in a practice-oriented manner and want to continue to grow and master new projects together with them! In addition, in August of this year, we are raising the apprenticeship pay to the top level in the region. Again in line with the motto "Next Level“.“

BUTTING – more than pipes – for a better quality of life