BUTTING brings the trophy back to Knesebeck

More than five years ago, BUTTING revived the tradition: the staff of companies from Knesebeck and the surrounding area compete against each other in a football tournament. The victorious company wins a cup and is allowed to host the tournament the following year. At the beginning of May, BUTTING regained its place after three winless years – and thus will host the company football tournament in 2019.

The tradition of the company football tournament goes back a long way: As early as 1960, the staff of BUTTING took on other companies in the tournament in the Nordkreis Gifhorn. At the beginning of May this year, nine teams from seven companies competed against each other. BUTTING started with three teams: "BUTTING Elite", "Steel Bodies BUTTING 1" and "Steel Bodies BUTTING 2". On two small pitches each team of seven players fought to win. From the pitch side, colleagues and spectators cheered vigorously. 

The "BUTTING Elite" impressed with clear victories during the tournament. In the final against last year's winner, the team finally prevailed by 2:0. Thus next year, the company football tournament will take place again in Knesebeck – probably on 1 May as usual.

The tournament was accompanied by a small supporting programme for young and old. A bouncy castle in the form of a gigantic football made not only the children's hearts beat faster.

Jan Holz, responsible for workplace health promotion at BUTTING, commented: "We are pleased that our colleagues have enjoyed the tournament so much this year again. Before the tournament there was a clear ambition to win. I congratulate the team and I'm curious to see if we'll defend the title successfully next year."

BUTTING – Progress by Tradition